Learning. The Good Guys Need Saving Too.

2015_0309_goodguysneedsavingtooYou know that story... it is all over the place. Girl meets guy. Guy is a bad boy. Girl's love saves the bad boy... and turns him into someone you can take home to your parents. One of my favorite stories of all time is that story line (A Walk to Remember anyone?). It is so very romantic. The idea that your love will rescue a boy from his dangerous/rebellious/corrupt ways.The whole scenario is really enticing. It builds up this idea of you and your love are so special that you and you alone can fix him... can save him. The idea that your love and your faith in them and your overall devotion to them is powerful and unique. It gives you something to hold on to when you're doubting your self worth... or really your overall attractiveness. I just have to wait for that one guy, that one broken and lost guy who will see my face and see nothing else. He will care for nothing else and do everything to make sure I am safe and happy and loved.I remember when I worked as a youth leader for some high school girls I heard the phrase "He's nice... but so boring. He doesn't need me. I want someone who needs me in order to be better. I just want them to really need me." Then on the flip side... my hubby and I would often hear our single guy friends comment about how they felt like girls didn't really want a good guy like them. They said they wanted a good guy- but they didn't really mean it. They all wanted the bad boy.Mind you- I love the idea of the story. I could watch and rewatch Landon and Jamie over and over and over. What I worry about though honestly was what I saw amongst our single friends and those high school girls. I'm not well versed on the statistics of it... but I can tell from personal experience that the bad boys so to speak were not fixed by my love.That is not the point here though. The point here is that I think we all have to realize... even those of us already married. That everyone needs a little saving. Everyone needs someone to love them and believe in them and devote themselves to. Your love and your faith and your devotion is powerful. That need is not unique to the 'bad boys.' Maybe it is not as dramatic of a story as you might dream about- but it is a story and it is beautiful.My hubby was in every way considered a good guy. He had graduated top of his class from high school. He was working a steady job and going to college. He didn't even have a traffic ticket... let alone any sort of record. He was a little shy... super thoughtful. And the most bad boy thing about his was that he played drums... but that was also negated by the fact that he played those drums for a church worship band.Here is the thing. He was sweet and kind and a little awkward at times. He was caring with him hurts from high school rejections- and he was certain he would never find a girl who would love him (luckily for him I was shy too and had a big thing for drummers). What I'm trying to get at though- is that he, the good guy, needed and wanted my love. He needed someone who loved him and picked him just as much as any bad boy.I feel weird saying this cause it makes me feel... bragging. My hubby needed saving from his own self doubt and fear of being alone... and I was able to save him. It wasn't anything crazy- its not because I'm some supernatural beauty or anything of the sort. I was just as self conscious and lonely as he. We just fell in love. It was quiet and simple and so romantic... and now he knows that he never has to feel unworthy and alone again. Just like I do.


Freebie. St Patrick's Day Beer Label.


Weekend Mixtape. Tomorrow.