Six Years of Wedded Bliss with Six Lessons Learned

happy 6th anniversaryToday is our wedding anniversary! Six full years! Crazy huh?This time five years ago I was getting my hair done and listening to everyone around me ask if I was nervous. And I honestly never was nervous. There was not one moment that I second guessed marrying my husband... and there hasn't been a moment since that I have second guessed or regretted marrying him.Marriage is awesome and difficult and fulfilling and heartbreaking and exhilarating and normal... just like life only shared with another person. I only have six years of marriage under my belt- but I also have six years of marriage under my belt. I've a learned a few little lessons- that I thought I would just quickly share.

1. Marriage is Difficult

I'm getting my most cliché one out of the way. It is difficult- but it's worth it.

2. Marriage is Awesome

Everyone will tell you how difficult it is... but they don't always tell you that it is awesome too.

3. Overshare... just communicate your guts out

My hubby and I are at our best when we are talking and sharing everything... we're at our worst when we don't.

4. Be affectionate

Yes- have sex (duh). I mean give little kisses, enjoy big long kisses, hold hands, and give hugs (big and small).

5. Expect Life to be Normal

Day to day marriage isn't a collage of clips of water fights at the kitchen sink and bouquets of flowers, you will still have to do dishes and take out the trash.

6. Give Respect, Support, & the Benefit of the doubt

The best things you can give to your spouse- life is better together when you are on each other's team. Always be on your spouse's side especially in public. :)wedding1wedding2I love you baby. You are my best friend and my heart and my best friend and my rock. I thank God for you every day. Here is to another six years and many many more.


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