Shopping Cleanse. All Wrapped Up.

2016_0224_shoppingcleansewrappedupSo I wrapped up my thirty day shopping cleanse about two weeks ago- it was oddly difficult (logistically). I would walk into Target (for like trash bags) and naturally stop at something that caught my eye and then I would like freak out a little bit.My internal thoughts went something like this... "Ooooh- that's cute. Oh s***! I'm shopping! Wait am I? I'm not going to buy it... it just caught my eye... wait does that count? I'm not even touching it... *sigh* What the hell counts as shopping?"I hadn't really thought that through before I started- it didn't occur to me to define exactly what shopping was because it seemed obvious. Eventually I came to the decision that the shopping I was cleansing from was the kind of shopping when I just wander aimlessly through the mall/Target/wherever and just buy stuff.So something catching my attention as a I purposefully walked toward the trash bags was fine- just as long as I didn't stop and started aimlessly browsing over the things that caught my eye. I decided that I should delete marketing emails that came into my mailbox without really looking at them (cause what's the point). I also decided that browsing and pinning items on Pinterest was okay- as long as I didn't click through the links and start browsing the online store.So after about the first I got those details ironed out for myself and I got into a flow. It proved difficult, but incredibly rewarding...

what I noticed

I stop looking at what I didn't have...and starting looking at what I actually had hanging in my closet. It (my closet) stopped feeling limiting. I stopping thinking that whole "I have nothing to wear" adage.I started to really see how much clothing I have...and feeling silly holding on to thinks I never wear or couldn't fit into anymore.I starting to see the REAL reasons I shop- mainly because of boredom... well boredom is a strong wrong. I just mean that I realized I used "shopping" as a form of entertainment. Sometimes I wanted to shop just to have something to do. The weekends felt particularly empty... so my hubby and I started exploring other things to do that didn't involve a mall (which was awesome).- but also to numb stuff I didn't want to feel... sometimes I bought stuff just to buy something and ignore something other feeling. I had to start facing emotions I usually wanted to run away from (nothing monumental- just little things like loneliness, frustrating, stress, etc).I still love shopping-but feel less of a draw to do it. I really like walking around with my hubby and the mall can be a nice place to do that. Since coming off my shopping cleanse I can actually count on my both of one hand how many clothing items I have purchased... which is a huge change from before.


Okay- so I would highly recommend this to anyone. Maybe this isn't a problem for you- maybe you don't use shopping to numb or anything like that. In general though, I found it to be a really eye opening to my consumerism habits. I feel less compelled to buy things just because their on sale and just because I'm walking around a store. My hubby and I had to examine our finances again (which usually stresses me out)- and I felt calm and content with what we were talking about.I haven't like transformed into a different person- I still like shopping. I still like trying on shoes and walking through malls. I just feel content with what I have and a little more picky with what I am purchasing.




This and That. Out in the World with You.