When You Forgive You Heal.

2016_1013_forgivehealletgogrowThis post was inspired by a book I'm reading through right now (well listening through... audiobook you know). Forgiveness and grace as an overall approach to the way you live your life will do nothing but bless your days. Anger, resentment, and vengefulness are poisons to your heart and soul.You don't have to be a door mat to be full of forgiveness and grace though. That's the letting go part. You don't have to let hurts slide. You don't even have to keep people in your life in order to forgive them. You don't have to let them keep wounding you to extend grace. When you approach your hurt with an openness to forgiveness and with humility and grace- to keep the poisonous feelings from seeping in.You can extend grace to their memory and forgiveness for the wounds... and then let go of them.


This and That. Comfy.


My Wardrobe Essentials. For Autumn.