Just a Little Festive.

It is officially July- which means the Fourth of July is coming very quickly (and my hubby's birthday! woohoo). I like to be a little festive around holidays- not super festive, just a little festive. I don't really like to through on a shirt that looks like the American Flag or anything. I do though like to add just a little bit of red or blue to a simple white tshirt and shorts. I just have a hard time buying something that feels like you can only really wear it on the Fourth of July. I'm a girl on a fashion budget and don't really feel like wasting any my precious budget on a one-time wear piece.I tend to use scarves to add a little pop to my wardrobe more than any other accessory so I've collected a couple scarves that I think are super adorable and can add a little festivity without screaming "American Flag!" I prefer to lean a little on the navy blue side (I have the navy blue polka dot scarf that I will wearing for the big national holiday), but I have collected some awesome red and blue options to spark your fancy (after the jump!). I'm particularly in love with the blue chevron scarf (from kate spade. I love kate spade just wish I could afford her)... and the red batik-patterned scarf (so so cute)... and what doesn't say classy Americana more the red, white, and blue plaid? :)Blue_Scarves Red_Scarves


Blue Options  //  Stars  .  Stripes  .  Chevrons  .  Polka DotsRed Options  //  Plaid  .  Polka Dots (1)  .  Batik  .  Polka Dots (2)


Scandinavian Condo


Half of My Heart by John Mayer